13 04, 2018

EU capital market union positions to deliver financial services post-Brexit

By |2020-05-04T09:48:19+00:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , |

By Bob Savic, Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute and Corporate Advisory Partner with Petersburg Capital LLP 13th April 2018 As Theresa May’s Conservative government and the European Union prepare negotiating positions for a future post-Brexit relationship, the UK’s financial services trade with the EU’s Single Market looks set to [...]

11 04, 2018

The Austrian Presidency could derail the EU’s plans ahead of the 2019 changeover

By |2020-05-04T09:48:20+00:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , |

The Austrian Presidency could derail the EU's plans ahead of the 2019 changeover   by David Gow, Former German Correspondent, Industrial Editor and European Business Editor, The Guardian 3rd April 2018 This article was first published by Acumen Public Affairs. Austria takes over the EU presidency on July 1, and [...]

9 03, 2018

Brexit’s impact on the UK economy is more akin to slow strangulation than sudden shock

By |2020-05-04T09:49:13+00:00March 9th, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , |

by Bob Savic, Senior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute and an advisory partner with Petersburg Capital LLP in London.   6th March 2018 For about two years (i.e. from December 2015 to date) corporate investment in the UK economy has been growing at or around 0%. This is [...]

6 03, 2018

Mrs May’s Mansion House Speech – The Irish Dimension

By |2020-05-04T09:49:18+00:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , |

Mrs May’s Mansion House Speech – The Irish Dimension   By John Bruton, former Irish Taoiseach 4th March 2018 This article was first published in the Meath Chronicle. My first reaction, watching Theresa May’s speech, was that The UK is going to put itself, and all the other EU countries, [...]

16 01, 2018

NHS Scotland should look to EU for funding models

By |2020-05-05T08:19:56+00:00January 16th, 2018|Categories: Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , |

NHS Scotland should look to EU for funding models by David Gow January 12, 2018     This article first appeared on Sceptical.scot   It is time to seriously rethink how the NHS, 70 this year, is funded. The latest news that the service in England hit an all-time low [...]

16 01, 2018

Corbyn Should Stop The UK’s Drift Out Of The EU

By |2020-05-04T09:49:24+00:00January 16th, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , , |

Corbyn Should Stop The UK’s Drift Out Of The EU     by John Palmer 10th January 2018 This article first appeared on Social Europe.   My friend John Weeks’ argument in Social Europe that Theresa May’s conclusion of a ‘First Stage’ Brexit agreement signals that the UK is now irreversibly on [...]

10 11, 2017

Speech by Dr Hywel Ceri Jones on receiving an award from the European Association for International Education

By |2020-05-04T09:49:35+00:00November 10th, 2017|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , |

Speech by Dr Hywel Ceri Jones, after being awarded the International Award for Vision and Leadership by the European Association for International Education Hywel Ceri Jones was Head of the European Commission’s first-ever Department for Education and Youth Policies, as well as the Commission’s Director for Education, Training and Youth. He played the leading [...]

10 11, 2017

Citizenship and Free Movement in a Changing EU: Navigating an Archipelago of Contradictions

By |2020-05-04T09:49:38+00:00November 10th, 2017|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , |

Citizenship and Free Movement in a Changing EU: Navigating an Archipelago of Contradictions   by Professor Jo Shaw, Salvesen Chair of European Institutions, University of Edinburgh   13th October 2017   Abstract This paper considers the implications - in relation to legal status of EU citizens and their families (and [...]

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