22 07, 2019

Comment on “Brexit – By Royal Appointment?”

By |2020-05-04T09:44:42+00:00July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , , |

by Professor Sam WhimsterAssociate Director and Head of UK Futures Programme, Global Policy Institute 22nd July 2019 This is a commentary in response to the blog by our Senior Research Fellow Dr Andrew Blick: Brexit - By Royal Appointment?, published on 12th July 2019 Andrew Blick in "Brexit - By [...]

25 02, 2019

Parliament on the brink of Brexit: meaningful or meaningless?

By |2019-02-26T11:54:44+00:00February 25th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , |

by Dr Andrew BlickSenior Lecturer in Politics and Contemporary History at King’s College London; Senior Research Fellow at the Federal Trust 26th February 2019 It is an irony frequently remarked upon that the Brexit process, though embarked upon partly in the name of the sovereignty of Parliament, has seen this institution [...]

14 12, 2018

A way out of the Brexit chaos? Parliament should install a national government

By |2020-05-04T09:46:54+00:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , |

A way out of the Brexit chaos? Parliament should install a national government by Professor Iain BeggIain Begg is a Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute and Co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum, London School of Economics and Political Science. This article was first published by the LSE Brexit Blog.12th [...]

21 09, 2018

Will Brexit Destroy the United Kingdom?

By |2020-05-04T09:48:00+00:00September 21st, 2018|Categories: Brexit|Tags: , , , |

STEPHEN HASELER MEMORIAL LECTURE: Will Brexit destroy the United Kingdom? 4th October 2018 Joint event by the Federal Trust and Global Policy Institute The lecture was delivered by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust CLICK HERE TO READ THE STEPHEN HASELER MEMORIAL LECTURE 2018 DOWNLOAD THE LECTURE (pdf file) In [...]

26 10, 2017

Book launch: England Alone, by Professor Stephen Haseler

By |2020-05-04T14:40:49+00:00October 26th, 2017|Categories: 2017, Brexit|Tags: , , , |

Book launch: England Alone Joint event by the Federal Trust and Global Policy Institute Wednesday, 15th November 2017 17.30 - 19.30, followed by a reception 84 Moorgate London Metropolitan University London EC2M 6SQ   Launch and panel discussion of the late Stephen Haseler’s last book England Alone: Brexit and the [...]

25 01, 2017

The Supremes say “Stop in the name of Parliament”

By |2017-01-25T14:41:15+00:00January 25th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Supremes say “Stop in the name of Parliament”   By Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust     On general principles of good governance yesterday’s decision of the Supreme Court must be welcomed. Most Parliamentarians are profoundly uneasy at the erratic course Mrs. May and her government have steered [...]

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