6 04, 2020

Putin’s viruses attack the European Union

By |2020-06-04T16:45:09+00:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus, EU Policies & Institutions, Global, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , |

by Olivier VédrinePolitical scientist and TV anchor on Ukrainian television; Board member, New Europeans 6th April 2020 Russia exploits the coronavirus crisis in order to weaken the EU. Russia’s humanitarian intervention in Italy, a show of force, is combined with a sustained disinformation and destabilization campaign. Vladimir Putin is determined [...]

3 04, 2020

Us vs Coronavirus

By |2020-06-04T16:53:38+00:00April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus, Global, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , |

by Bob SavicSenior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute 26th March 2019 This article was first published by Global Policy Institute A microscopic bug, commonly referred to as Covid-19, has brought human civilisation to its knees. For the first time in mankind’s history, city streets the world over are [...]

1 04, 2020

Getting it done the Covid way

By |2020-06-10T15:06:11+00:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus, Europe, Europe, Global|Tags: |

“Getting it done” was the buzz phrase that helped Johnson win the last election, in those days when the world was different. There were promises about trying to level up the poorer regions of the country, whose votes were “borrowed” by the Conservatives from Labour. And some of this resulted [...]

11 02, 2020

Toward a more effective EU policy on global warming

By |2020-06-23T15:56:54+00:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Climate Change, EU Policies & Institutions, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , |

Only new approaches, supplementing current anti-emissions policies, can stop the warming not just slow the emissions Global warming is a matter where EU and global policy has been failing, despite long and heavy investment in the current line of policy. The warming has not only continued but sped up. Annual [...]

4 02, 2020

Influencing the European Green Deal and Industrial Strategy

By |2020-06-15T12:47:01+00:00February 4th, 2020|Categories: Climate Change, Europe, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , |

Leaders and Laggards among Small EU States by David GowEditor of Sceptical.scot, Senior Adviser at Social Europe and Senior Adviser at Acumen Public Affairs. He is former European Business Editor of The Guardian and worked for The Scotsman and London Weekend Television. 30th January 2020 This article was first published by the Scottish Centre [...]

8 11, 2019

Climate Change: European responses and Brexit

By |2020-06-15T10:18:07+00:00November 8th, 2019|Categories: 2019, Brexit, Climate Change|Tags: , , |

10th December 2019 Joint event with Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and Global Policy Institute Our expert panel discussed the policy responses climate change in Germany, the UK and at EU level, and the impact Brexit might have on these. Speakers: Dr Brendan MooreSenior Research Associate, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Dr Hubertus [...]

6 11, 2019

From the European Union to the Human Federation

By |2020-06-15T10:18:56+00:00November 6th, 2019|Categories: 2019, Europe, Federalism, Global|Tags: , , , |

Preparing Humanity for coexistence with Superintelligence 2nd December 2019 Lecture and Discussion with Tony Czarnecki, presenting his forthcoming book: Democracy for Human Federation – Coexisting with Superintelligence(external link to Amazon) Respondent: David Wood, Chair of London Futurists and Co-Founder of the Transhumanist Party Videos of the presentation and the response: [...]

17 10, 2019

NATO at 70: Poland in today’s Europe

By |2020-06-15T10:20:41+00:00October 17th, 2019|Categories: 2019, Europe, Foreign Policy & Defence, Global|Tags: , , , |

18th November 2019 Joint event with the Polish think tank Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies Presentation of the publication: NATO: 1949 - 1999 - 2019. The 20 years of Poland in the 70 years of the Alliance(click to download the report in pdf format) The 70th anniversary of NATO establishment, [...]

10 09, 2019

Federalism in Practice: Public Finance and a Democratic Union in Myanmar

By |2020-06-15T10:22:47+00:00September 10th, 2019|Categories: 2019, Federalism, Global|Tags: , |

30th September 2019 March 2016 saw Myanmar’s first democratically elected government to take office since 1962, though under a constitution that gives veto powers to non-elected representatives.  Before it took office the National League for Democracy (NLD) set out a new direction for the country, stating that it would ‘strive [...]

1 11, 2018

EU-India Think Tank Twinning

By |2020-11-11T10:54:30+00:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: EU-India Think Tank Twinning, Global|Tags: |

May 2018 - March 2020 The Federal Trust, in collaboration with the Global Policy Institute, is pleased to form a consortium with Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) for the purpose of the EU-India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative. More information about this project can be found at https://euindiathinktanks.com/ The research is based [...]

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