3 04, 2020

Us vs Coronavirus

By |2020-06-04T16:53:38+00:00April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus, Global, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , |

by Bob SavicSenior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute 26th March 2019 This article was first published by Global Policy Institute A microscopic bug, commonly referred to as Covid-19, has brought human civilisation to its knees. For the first time in mankind’s history, city streets the world over are [...]

1 04, 2020

An enhanced international role for the Euro

By |2020-06-04T16:55:05+00:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: EU Policies & Institutions, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , |

A real opportunity or wishful thinking? by Professor Iain BeggAcademic Co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum and Co-Chair of the Dahrendorf Working Group “The Future Of European Governance”. He is also a Professorial Research Fellow in the European Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Council [...]

26 03, 2020

Schuman vs Schumann

By |2020-06-10T15:10:21+00:00March 26th, 2020|Categories: Europe, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , |

by John LeechCouncil Member, The Federal Trust 24th March 2020 This article is a response to the talk held by Miha Pogačnik, Ambassador of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia at an event in London on 3rd March 2020. Watch the talk here: https://vimeo.com/395941393 AN EVENING WITH MIHA POGACNIK served [...]

24 03, 2020

Coronavirus Crisis, Brexit and Scottish Independence

By |2020-06-10T16:06:58+00:00March 24th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Coronavirus, Scotland, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , |

by Dr Kirsty HughesDirector, Scottish Centre on European Relations 20th March 2020 This comment was first published by Scottish Centre on European Relations The UK is heading into the most difficult and intense months of the coronavirus crisis – both in terms of the pandemic itself and the major economic [...]

19 03, 2020

The EU’s Fiscal Criteria: Debit, Deficit and Currency Questions

By |2020-06-10T16:08:01+00:00March 19th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Scotland, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , |

by David GowEditor of Sceptical.scot, Senior Adviser at Social Europe and Senior Adviser at Acumen Public Affairs. He is former European Business Editor of The Guardian and worked for The Scotsman and London Weekend Television. 17th March 2020 This article was first published by Scottish Centre on European Relations Introduction Such is the binary nature of political [...]

11 03, 2020

Deals, deals, deals: who needs them?

By |2020-06-10T16:41:22+00:00March 11th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Trade, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , |

Meeting of the "Frugal Four", 20/02/20. Photo credit: European Union by Professor Iain BeggProfessorial Research Fellow, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science; Academic co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum.  3rd March 2020 At a special meeting of the European Council on 20-21 February, EU leaders failed to reach an [...]

11 03, 2020

Is this a return to no deal? Probably not – but there will be losers

By |2020-06-10T16:41:52+00:00March 11th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Trade, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , |

by Professor Iain BeggProfessorial Research Fellow, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science; Academic co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum.  28th February 2020 This article was first posted on the LSE Brexit blog. The EU’s General Affairs Council has agreed on the negotiating mandate for the next phase of Brexit. [...]

2 03, 2020

The EU and the Coronavirus Crisis

By |2020-06-12T13:55:02+00:00March 2nd, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus, Europe, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , |

When Border Closures and Supranational Collaboration go hand in hand Unexpectedly, a virus, SARS 2 CoV-2, has become the most important political as well as human issue facing us at this time. Like any crisis of public safety, it presents the EU with an opportunity also: the opportunity to become [...]

28 02, 2020

Brexit Futures – Preparing to change the game

By |2020-06-23T15:51:36+00:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , |

by Peter CookBusiness and organisation consultant; Author of "Let's Talk about Brex..it"@AcademyofRock 28th February 2020 Brexit will unravel of its own contradictions.  I believe this will be sooner rather than later.  Brexit’s implosion will come from either what I call external socio-economic, political, environmental shocks or "internal combustion", due to [...]

11 02, 2020

Toward a more effective EU policy on global warming

By |2020-06-23T15:56:54+00:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Climate Change, EU Policies & Institutions, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , |

Only new approaches, supplementing current anti-emissions policies, can stop the warming not just slow the emissions Global warming is a matter where EU and global policy has been failing, despite long and heavy investment in the current line of policy. The warming has not only continued but sped up. Annual [...]

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