23 06, 2020

Why are we taking down statues and what does this tell us about who we Europeans are?

By |2020-06-23T11:50:44+00:00June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Europe, Migration & Identity|Tags: , |

The explosion of rage that followed the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has created a domino effect with statues being toppled around the world including here in Europe.   Churchill’s statue on Parliament Square ended up in a makeshift wooden shed for protection. It was only released when Emmanuel [...]

21 04, 2020

European identity and the plague

By |2020-06-04T16:23:46+00:00April 21st, 2020|Categories: Coronavirus, Europe, Migration & Identity|Tags: , |

by Roger CasaleFounder, Secretary General & CEO, New Europeans 21st April 2020 “The plague was posting sentries at the gates and turning away ships bound for Oran.” Albert Camus, (1913-1960) “Human it is to have compassion on the unhappy”  Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 – 1375) Plague has been with us since ancient times. [...]

6 04, 2020

How is the Coronavirus likely to affect post Brexit immigration?

By |2020-06-04T16:52:04+00:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Coronavirus, Europe, Migration & Identity|Tags: , , |

by Vicky PryceEconomist & Business Consultant; Board member at the Centre for Economic an Business Research and former Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service 6th April 2020 I remember in a long past age – ok, just a couple of decades ago – how the family was gripped [...]

13 03, 2020

Because we are Europeans

By |2020-06-10T16:40:22+00:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Brexit, Citizens’ rights, Europe, Future of Europe, Migration & Identity|Tags: , , , , |

by Roger CasaleFounder and Secretary-General, New Europeans 13th March 2020 If and when the UK re-joins the EU, it will do so not just for transactional reasons but because British people have understood that they are indeed Europeans. […]

10 02, 2017

Europe on the move: Workers, refugees and security

By |2020-05-04T14:50:22+00:00February 10th, 2017|Categories: 2017, Migration & Identity|Tags: , |

Joint event by the Federal Trust, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and Global Policy Institute Europe on the move: Workers, refugees and security 28th February 2017 Panellists: Professor Jo Shaw Salvesen Chair of European Institutions and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh Professor Christian Dustmann Professor of [...]

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