With the aim of identifying constructive ways to develop European prosperity, the Federal Trust, the Industry Forum and the Global Policy Institute, financially supported by the European Commission Representation in London, have been running thoughout 2012 a project entitled “Getting Europe Moving Together.” Its aim was to review a range of economic, political and social factors bearing on the prospects for the European economy in the coming decade.

In the first stage of the project, key topics selected by the European Commission were analysed and discussed by researchers to help understand the factors that need to be addressed to facilitate cooperation and economic progress.
These topics and the over-riding issue of European leadership were then addressed at a major conference that took place in London on 16th October and was attended by some eighty delegates drawn from business, politics, academia and the media. Delegates at the conference were invited to submit their own views through a detailed questionnaire.

Drawing upon these first three stages of work, the project team then produced a draft set of conclusions and recommendations that were discussed at a workshop on 21st November 2012. The final conclusions and recommendations will be published in a final report. These should be regarded as the output of the project rather than necessarily the views of the organisers or of the European Commission.

FINAL REPORT – 30th November 2012

CONFERENCE – 16th October 2012
including videos of the conference speeches

Completing single market must be EU’s top priority
Joint Letter in the Financial Times, 12th February 2013