5 08, 2016

The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Brexit impact

By |2016-08-05T11:16:53+00:00August 5th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

by Viara Bojkova, Head of Geo-Economics Porgramme and Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute   While the UK economy and the society are still adjusting to the new political and business reality, to make any final conclusions about the Brexit impact on the rest of Europe seems challenging. My intention [...]

15 07, 2016

The light at the end of the tunnel is several oncoming trains

By |2016-07-15T13:14:49+00:00July 15th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , |

  By Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust for Education & Research Until the time of writing (15th July) the chaos wreaked on the United Kingdom by the disruptive and unexpected outcome of Mr. Cameron’s referendum on 23rd June has been more obviously political than economic. The personal ambitions and [...]

29 06, 2016

We have seen the future and it doesn’t work

By |2016-06-29T10:13:23+00:00June 29th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

  By Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust   It was a favourite dictum of the late Robin Leigh Pemberton, former Governor of the Bank of England, that it was easy to predict the future but impossible to know when it would happen. Events since 23rd June have more than [...]

20 06, 2016

Brexit: Why the Larger English-Speaking World is Against It

By |2016-06-20T11:15:31+00:00June 20th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , |

Our Greatness Lies in Staying in Not Pulling out By Ira Straus, U.S. Coordinator of the Committee on Eastern Europe and Russia in NATO, an independent policy analysis organization; and Chair of the Center for War/Peace Studies   Americans and Britons have a common interest in avoiding Brexit. I hope it [...]

25 05, 2016

London’s new mayor needs to lobby for more powers – or risk being left behind

By |2016-12-13T14:57:20+00:00May 25th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Federalism, UK Devolution|

By Dr Andrew Blick, Lecturer in Politics and Contemporary History, King’s College London; and Senior Research Fellow at the Federal Trust This article was first published on The Conversation. As the new mayor of London, Sadiq Khan will gain command of a budget worth £17 billion to be spent mainly [...]

10 05, 2016

Lessons from Canada

By |2016-05-10T11:04:00+00:00May 10th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|

By Jonathan Scott,  a Canadian writer currently at Cardiff School of Law and Politics. @J_Scott_ American President Barack Obama recently made headlines arguing against a leave vote in the Brexit referendum. Obama’s remarks were the second time in recent weeks the leave campaign was put on the defensive by a [...]

26 04, 2016

BREXIT: The Northern Irish dimension

By |2016-05-04T10:12:37+00:00April 26th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe, UK Devolution|Tags: , , , , |

  by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust   This article was first published on the LSE BrexitVote blog. Much concern has already been expressed by some British commentators  about the possible implications for Scotland of a vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union on 23rd June. [...]

26 04, 2016

Ever closer union – neither a goal nor an aspiration, but a process

By |2016-05-04T10:13:24+00:00April 26th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , |

  by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust   This article was first published on the LSE BrexitVote blog. When the Conservative members of the European Parliament first formed in the early 1990s a joint parliamentary group with the MEPs from the European Peoples Party, there was a certain condescending [...]

26 04, 2016

Sovereignty – in whose hands and for what?

By |2016-05-04T09:55:04+00:00April 26th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

by Monica Threlfall (writing in a personal capacity), Reader in European Politics, London Metropolitan University   The Leave people are always saying they want “our sovereignty back“. But for what purpose? What is this sovereignty and for whom is it supposed to work? Not for ordinary people. Sovereignty is a [...]

29 02, 2016

How Future UK European Referendums Might Happen

By |2016-02-29T13:43:47+00:00February 29th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

by Dr Tim Oliver, Dahrendorf Fellow on Europe-North America Relations, LSE Ideas   Further referendums on Britain’s European question could happen whatever the result of June’s vote. In a recent report for the Federal Trust, Why the EU Referendum Will Not be the End of the Story, Dr Tim Oliver [...]

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