30 05, 2017

After the election comes the painful Brexit reality

By |2017-05-30T12:15:35+00:00May 30th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , , |

After the election comes the painful Brexit reality     by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust     It should have come as little surprise that the election called by Mrs. May, supposedly to set the tone for the forthcoming Brexit negotiations, should have contained so little serious discussion [...]

25 04, 2017

The Brexit election will not make Brexit easier for Mrs. May

By |2017-04-25T14:29:28+00:00April 25th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Brexit election will not make Brexit easier for Mrs. May   by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust   Announcing her decision to call for a general election in June, the Prime Minister claimed that “every vote for the Conservatives will make me stronger when I negotiate for Britain [...]

11 04, 2017

Pointless soft Brexit, suicidal hard Brexit

By |2017-04-11T09:29:52+00:00April 11th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , |

Pointless soft Brexit, suicidal hard Brexit     By Brendan Donnelly Director, The Federal Trust   In a controversial article last week the associate editor of the Financial Times Wolfgang Muenchau asserted that after the triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty it was now inevitable that the United [...]

14 03, 2017

Article 50 and the dictatorship of the “democratic” majority

By |2017-03-14T15:50:10+00:00March 14th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

Article 50 and the dictatorship of the “democratic” majority   By Brendan Donnelly Director, The Federal Trust   During the EU referendum of last year, there was much talk of the supposed estrangement between British voters and their political representatives. The narrow victory of the Brexit camp has since often [...]

10 02, 2017

How long will Parliament ignore the 48% ?

By |2017-02-10T10:26:35+00:00February 10th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , , |

How long will Parliament ignore the 48%?       by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust   David Jones, the Minister for Brexit, assured the House of Commons this week that it would have the opportunity to vote on the treaty negotiated by Mrs. May’s government to bring about [...]

30 01, 2017

Ireland faces heavy costs for Britain’s Brexit folly

By |2017-02-10T11:50:35+00:00January 30th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

IRELAND FACES HEAVY COSTS FOR BRITAIN’S BREXIT FOLLY.   By John Palmer   In the complex and sometimes arcane debate about the British government’s Brexit crusade, little attention has been paid to the consequences it will have for our neighbouring island, Ireland. In government circles there appears to date to [...]

25 01, 2017

The Supremes say “Stop in the name of Parliament”

By |2017-01-25T14:41:15+00:00January 25th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Supremes say “Stop in the name of Parliament”   By Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust     On general principles of good governance yesterday’s decision of the Supreme Court must be welcomed. Most Parliamentarians are profoundly uneasy at the erratic course Mrs. May and her government have steered [...]

17 01, 2017

Mrs. May answers the questions with the worst possible answers

By |2017-01-17T16:55:56+00:00January 17th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , |

  by Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust 17th January 2017   Mrs. May answers the questions with the worst possible answers Mrs. May has answered many of the questions posed to her by commentators before her speech today. These answers provoke the further following reflections. […]

15 01, 2017

Prime Minister’s Question Time on Europe

By |2017-01-19T13:43:37+00:00January 15th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: |

By Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust 16th January 2017   Prime Minister’s Question Time on Europe In his farewell letter to his staff, the departing British Permanent Representative to the European Union, Sir Ivan Rogers, accused government ministers of “muddled thinking” about Brexit. In her speech on 17th January, [...]

16 12, 2016

May’s Rocky Road Ahead: Why Brexit May Not Happen

By |2016-12-16T13:43:37+00:00December 16th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Europe|Tags: , , , , , |

In this article our director Brendan Donnelly argues that the triggering of Article 50 will not be the end of the Brexit story. Mrs May is likely to face over the next two years growing obstacles in her path of extricating the UK from the European Union. There is a [...]

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