Saving Doha: A Call For Leadership And Momentum
In The World Trade Negotiations:
A Working Group project
- In October 2006, the Federal Trust and Chatham House convened a high-level WTO Working Group under the chairmanship of Peter Sutherland, former Director General of the WTO.The group’s aims are to consider the key strategic issues facing WTO members in their efforts to conclude the Doha Development Round of negotiations. As part of their deliberations they are seeking the views of key participants in the negotiations and other interested parties around the world.
- The group issued an interim report containing underlying analysis and recommendations during the preparations for the Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting in December 2005.
- The group issued their final report in the first quarter of 2006. This report assessed the current state of the Doha Development Round, offer suggestions as to likely outcomes and consider how the final stages of the Doha Development Round might ultimately impact upon the WTO as an institution.