Globalisation has increased the significance of multilateral organisations, trans-national companies and global civil society groups. This is reflected in our programme of work that considers aspects of global governance. Since 2001 we have undertaken a number of studies on the role and future of the World Trade Organisation. Studies have included analyses of the Doha Ministerial trade round, WTO’s dispute settlement system system and WTO rules on competition, investment, trade facilitation and transparency in government procurement. These well-regarded studies involve high-level working groups who consider testimony from a wide variety of expert witnesses.

Current projects include a study on how decision-making at the WTO can be made more effective, transparent and legitimate and an EU, southern African dialogue on the future of trade in agriculture and non-agricultural goods. We are also planning to convene a high-level working group to consider the future of global environmental governance. For further information about these or previous studies please contact us on +44 (0)20 7320 1677 or at [email protected].