In this video, Professor Andrew Blick discusses his new Federal Trust report “Getting Brexit Undone” at the launch webinar on 21 July 2022.
He argues that the opposition parties should commit themselves to reversing Brexit after the next General Election, as well as advocating a programme of constitutional reform including proportional representation and decentralisation.
He concludes that rejoining is the only satisfactory means of addressing the manifest problems caused by Brexit and that the moment to start working on this is now.
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Andrew Blick is Professor of Politics and Contemporary History at King’s College London and a Senior Research Fellow of the Federal Trust.
Great headline – get Brexit undone! Problem is the argument is good but too academic – it needs to be an emotional/political approach which touches pockets, heartstrings and childrens futures! Eg
– our pensioners want to retire to the sun
– our children want the freedom to move EU-Wide
– our workers want to keep EU rights
– our farmers want to stop killing pigs
– our people want clean rivers and seas
We want Brexit undone!