In this video, Federal Trust Director Brendan Donnelly argues that the economic and political problems generated by Brexit are of little concern to its leading sponsors. Their primary interest lies in rupturing the British connection to the European mainland as quickly and thoroughly as possible. The result is a debasement of British political life, in which sleaze and cronyism have become all too frequent:
Video: Brexit is the Project of a Ruthless Elite
About the Author: Brendan Donnelly
Director, The Federal Trust; Former MEP (1994-1999)
By Brendan Donnelly|2021-11-19T14:45:02+00:00November 19th, 2021|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: Article 16, Boris Johnson Brexit, Boris Johnson sleaze, Brexit, Brexit Article 16, featured, Northern Ireland Protocol|
There wasn’t any mention of the original real cause of the Brexit campaign; the EU plan to make using Tax Havens illegal!
Article 50 was triggered when it was so that the millionaire and billionaire Tax Dodgers could carry on using Tax Havens. It was triggered to allow time before the use of Tax Havens became illegal. Rees-Mogg, being one of these Tax Haven beneficiaries, was desperate that the UK left the EU by 29 March 2019, as using Tax Havens became illegal on the 30th.
Yes, it would be a cataclysmic error to attempt to push these nations together to create a “United States of Europe”. Given their 2000 year + histories and cultures, such a move is bound to result eventually in a “Great European War”. This is something that nationalist politicians in the various EU states will cause if they are allowed to continue their divisive rhetoric. Boris Johnson is currently doing all he can, to make the EU the UK’s Number 1 enemy and potentially start such a conflagration. Such a situation would play directly into Russian i.e. Putin’s hands. It has become clear in recent years, that Putin desires nothing more than to regain control over the former Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union countries. Additionally, his manner of ensuring that he remains in power for life, begs the question; does he perceive himself as the new “Tsar of all the Russias”?
Regarding the 2016 Referendum, a noteworthy point is that only England voted for Brexshit. Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Gibraltar ALL voted REMAIN! Even worse, a deliberate case of disenfranchisement occurred when 2.5 million British ex pats living in the EU and 4 million working, Tax Paying EU citizens living in the UK were denied their right to vote on their own future! Very reminiscent of the disenfranchisement of the Jews and Gypsies in Nazi Germany. The last time Britain lost control of its boarders was in 1066! Please read your history books. There was a pathetic attempt by some deluded French during the Napoleonic Wars, to invade South Wales…. They were promptly dealt with, within a few days.