The Future of Central Banking – A comparison of the US Federal Reserve with the European Central Bank

Joint event by the Federal Trust, Global Policy Institute and James Madison Charitable Trust

12th June 2018
5-7pm, followed by refreshments

Mary Sumner House,
24 Tufton Street
London SW1P 3RB

Launch of the new report report by Global Policy Institute “Federal Central Banks – A comparison of the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank”

(Click on the title to purchase on Amazon).



Professor Desmond King,  Politics, University of Oxford

Dr Michael Lloyd, Global Policy Institute

Professor Anastasia Nesvetailova, Economics, City University

Professor Sam Whimster, Global Policy Institute

The US Fed and the ECB saved the banking and financial system from meltdown in 2008 and after, but just how successful and effective were they? Why was the US Fed quicker off the mark and why was the US economic recovery superior to the Eurozone? And in both countries, do we think a monetary response alone was sufficient? Did citizens in the real economy have to pay too high a price for the bankers’ crisis?

Has the time now come to make over-powerful central banks more
accountable and responsive to federal democracies? Is central bank
‘independence’ still justified? Are the current policies of the
Eurozone threatening the break-up of the EU?