18 09, 2021

Why the German election matters, but less so its winner

By |2021-12-17T10:29:11+00:00September 18th, 2021|Categories: Brexit, September 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Germany’s upcoming election will influence the course and direction of the European Union for the coming decade. Irrespective of the exact make-up of the next German government and who will become the new Chancellor, there has been a growing alignment between the main parties on all the key policy issues. [...]

1 09, 2021

Angela Merkel, Britain and Europe: a view from offshore

By |2021-09-02T11:23:42+00:00September 1st, 2021|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Europe, Global|Tags: , , , , |

This essay was commissioned by Léo Keller on behalf of the Blogazoi blog, as part of a collection to be published following the German election.   It is over 21 years since Angela Merkel took over from Wolfgang Schäuble as leader of the CDU, Germany’s most consistently successful political party. Schäuble, the [...]

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