Brexit: Heading to a Deal or No Deal While UK Politics Implodes?
by Kirsty Hughes,18th July 2018
Eurozone Stabilisation Fund: Revisited
by Mark Nevin, April 2018
Hard Brexit and the regions
by Dr Andrew Black, December 2017
Brexit and the European Court of Justice
by Dr Andrew Blick, December 2017
The 2017 General Election: a mandate for Brexit?
by Dr Andrew Blick, 30th May 2017
“Hard Brexit”, International Trade and the WTO Scenario
by Dr Andrew Black, May 2017
Deal or no deal? The Article 50 process in context
by Dr Andrew Blick, 14th March 2017
Taking back control? The EU referendum, Parliament and the ‘May Doctrine’
Dr Andrew Blick, October 2016
Why the EU Referendum Will Not be the End of the Story
by Dr Tim Oliver, February 2016
The Eurozone: IN and OUT relations
by Graham Bishop, January 2016
A European Army – Delusion or Necessity?
by Richard Bassett, November 2015
The United Kingdom: Federalism or bust?
A collection of essays from the Federal Trust
June 2015
Review in the Irish Times, by Paul Gillespie
- A Multi-Speed Europe – Final Project Report
Brendan Donnelly, November 2013
This is the final report of our project “Multi-Speed Europe” held jointly with Konrad Adenauer Foundation London Office - The Eurozone’s Path to a Federalist Future
Alan Lamond, September 2013 - Remaking Europe: Framework for a Policy
Report by French thinktank Synopia, authored by Pierre de Boissieu, Tom de Briujn, Antonio Vitorino and Stephen Wall. September 2013 - Over the Edge? Britain on the European sidelines
Federal Trust report, May 2013 - Britain and the EU – Views from members of the TEPSA network
February 2013 - Neither in nor out: Coalition Policy in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice by Dr Andrew Blick, January 2012
- A Federal Future for the UK: the Options by Dr Andrew Blick and Professor George Jones, July 2010.
Working Group Reports
The Federal Trust Working Groups are convened with the purpose of considering developments in key policy areas. These groups undertake research and analysis around series of working group meetings. These meetings offer groups the opportunity to discuss their Terms of Reference, ideas and proposals. In many cases they also seek the views and opinions of a wide variety of interested parties. In the final stages of their work they also offer inputs and guidance to a Rapporteur who will aim to draft an agreed group report containing both analysis and recommendations.
- The Reform of Financial Regulation in Europe by Sir Brian Unwin and Graham Bishop, March 2010. In the following report, the authors will review the new supervisory structure for financial services now envisaged for the European Union and consider in general terms the most important issues of governance and policy with which these new supervisory bodies will find themselves confronted.
- A More Coherent and Effective European Foreign Policy? by Richard Whitman and Ana E. Juncos, February 2009. This report discusses the impact of the provisions contained in the Lisbon Treaty on the European Union’s external policies.
- An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in Europe? by Professor Jo Shaw, July 2007. This report considers from a number of complementary perspectives the progress the European Union has made over the past fifteen years towards realising an EU-wide ‘area of freedom, security and justice.’ Its main focus is on the institu- tional structures the Union has given or may give itself in the future for the construction of this area, rather than the detailed content of policy.
- Legitimacy, Accountability and Democracy in the EU by Professor Vernon Bogdanor of Kings College London, January 2007. The European Union was founded to promote democracy in Europe. Yet its institutions and procedures leave much to be desired by democratic standards. The Union’s powers should be exercised in accordance with modern principles of democratic and accountable government”. This report sets out how this can be achieved.
- Decision-Making in European External Policy by Brendan Donnelly and Stephen Haseler, November 2006. Editorial and Research Assistance from Jeannette Ladzik. A Federal Trust Report.
- The Governance of the Eurozone by Sir Stephen Wall and Brendan Donnelly, October 2006. In his introduction to this report, the Group’s Chairman, Sir Stephen Wall, writes “The European Union as a whole has, like the Eurozone, been a success story. But both could do better. This is not a timid report. But nor is it an intemperate one. It makes recommendations that are not just within the power, but the capacity, of governments to carry into action. If these recommendations were implemented, they might give fresh impetus to political union, not for its own sake, but to help deliver the coherent governance Europe needs.”The report’s recommendations are: A permanent secretariat for the Eurogroup, in which the Finance Ministers of the Eurozone currently meet informally;Eurozone summits in parallel to meetings of the European Council; Meetings of Eurozone ministers from other Councils than the Council of Finance Ministers; Regular and structured meetings between representatives of the Eurogroup and the ECB; and a symmetrical inflation target for the ECB.
- Funding the EU by Professor Iain Begg, March 2005.
- Flexibility and the Future of the European Union by Sir Stephen Wall, Brendan Donnelly and Jo Shaw, October 2005. This report considers the question of a ‘flexible’ European Union from a number of differing perspectives, including conceptual, historical, national and regional approaches. The report’s conclusion is that the European Union is becoming and will become a more differentiated organisation than its original founders hoped or expected. A ‘ core Europe’ based on France and Germany is however not a realistic possibility for the foreseeable future. Depending on the policy area concerned differing models and degrees of differentiation within the Union may apply instead. The study concludes that the as yet unanswered question for the future of ‘flexible integration’ in the European Union is that of the governance of the Eurozone. Will those countries in the Eurozone be willing to pool further sovereignty to make the Eurozone more politically attractive and economically efficient?
- Britain’s Future and the Euro: An Economic or Political Question? by Sir Brian Unwin, Honorary President, European Investment Bank, July 2004. In late 2003 the Federal Trust convened a high-level Working Group under the chairmanship of Sir Brian Unwin, honorary President of the European Investment Bank. Its remit was to examine the implications of a number of assumptions about UK membership, or non-membership, of the euro during the next 5 to 15 years.
- Encouraging Democracy and Stakeholder Participation in the English Regions by Louise Ellmann MP and Stanley Henig, July 2003. Following the publication of the White Paper ‘Your Region, Your Choice’ and the second reading of the Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill, the Federal Trust convened a group with the remit to explore the best ways in which to involve the interests of stakeholders in the English assemblies.
- Expanding WTO Rules? A Study on the Singapore Issues by Professor Jim Rollo, Rachel Thompson and Alexis Krachai, June 2003. In February 2003 the Trust convened a group with the purpose of exploring the need for and scope of any negotiation on WTO rules on the Singapore Issues-investment, competition, transparency in government procurement and trade facilitation.
- Enhancing the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Understanding by Christopher Roberts and Philip Marsden, December 2002. In May 2002 the Trust convened a group with the purpose of identifying how the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Understanding can be made more effective, efficient and acceptable.
- Corporate Social Responsibility & Socially Responsible Investing: A European Framework by Sir Brian Unwin and Harry Cowie, 2002. In November 2001 the Trust, with the strong support of the European Commission, set up a group on “Corporate Responsibility to European Society”. The purpose of the group was to demonstrate ways in which it is possible for companies to successfully reconcile their traditional business goals with wider social responsibilities, including environmental and consumer concerns.
Policy Commentaries
- Assessing the European Union’s Global Role by Emma Stewart, January 2010
- After the Irish Referendum by Brendan Donnelly, October 2009
- Constitution or Constitutional Treaty? by Brendan Donnelly, February 2005
- Asylum, immigration and qualified majority voting by Séverine Picard, November 2004
- The British Government and the European Constitution – history repeats itself by Brendan Donnelly, July 2004
- Europe’s Elections Europe-wide by Daniel Mandell, May 2004
- Time to get moving by Brendan Donnelly, July 2004