Joint event by the Federal Trust, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and Global Policy Institute

7th July 2020  – held 0n Zoom

Watch the panel discussion here:

The rise in the use of social media and the relative anonymity of the internet have over the last decade led to increasing concerns about “fake news” – deliberate and intentional disinformation campaigns spread internationally online. While until recently the main target of disinformation campaigns may have been democratic processes, by influencing public debate during election or referendum campaigns, the current Coronavirus pandemic has become a new, dangerous focus for disinformation campaigns.

Our panel discussed the form and impact of disinformation campaigns, and discuss and evaluate strategies and initiatives to counter disinformation from a UK, European and international perspective.


Damian Collins MP
Conservative MP for Folkestone and Hythe; Co-Founder of Infotagion

Mr Jurgis Vilcinskas, Deputy Head of Division, European External Action Service’s Strategic communications and Information Analysis Division

Dr Julie Posetti
Global Director of Research, International Center for Journalists; Senior Researcher, Centre For Freedom of the Media, University of Sheffield; Research Associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford