10 09, 2021

EVENT: Climate Change: European responses to a global challenge

By |2021-11-09T18:30:30+00:00September 10th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Brexit, Climate Change, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , |

Joint event by the Federal Trust with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Global Policy Institute 12th October 2021 The COP26 meeting, hosted by the UK in November, will turn the spotlight on the global challenge of tackling climate change. At our webinar, our expert panel discussed the public policy responses to this challenge [...]

6 09, 2021

Democratic Citizenship Education in the Light of the Lisbon Treaty

By |2021-09-06T13:58:07+00:00September 6th, 2021|Categories: Brexit, Citizens’ rights, EU Policies & Institutions, Future of Europe, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , , |

The Treaty of Lisbon sheds fresh light on the purposes of EU citizenship education. The hallmark of the 2007 Lisbon Treaty is that it construes the EU as a dual democracy. The EU is not merely a Union of democratic States, but also functions as a democracy of its own.[1] [...]

2 09, 2021

Democratic federalism: are we there yet?

By |2021-09-02T14:37:09+00:00September 2nd, 2021|Categories: Blog, Brexit, Devolution, Federalism, Scotland, UK Constitution|Tags: , , , , |

This article was first published by The UK in a Changing Europe.   If there is one plus to the Covid-19 pandemic it is that many more people in the UK are aware we no longer live in a state with a single government in London. The regular TV appearances [...]

1 09, 2021

Angela Merkel, Britain and Europe: a view from offshore

By |2021-09-02T11:23:42+00:00September 1st, 2021|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Europe, Global|Tags: , , , , |

This essay was commissioned by Léo Keller on behalf of the Blogazoi blog, as part of a collection to be published following the German election.   It is over 21 years since Angela Merkel took over from Wolfgang Schäuble as leader of the CDU, Germany’s most consistently successful political party. Schäuble, the [...]

1 09, 2021

Music, Musicians and Brexit

By |2022-11-21T10:55:50+00:00September 1st, 2021|Categories: Blog, Brexit, Europe|

Nine months into Brexit and it is already apparent that musicians are one of the main sectors whose lives and livelihoods are being radically disrupted by Brexit, to the point that it is causing 21% of musicians to consider changing their career. Sir Simon Rattle recently stated that it was [...]

31 08, 2021

A Great Reset in Afghanistan?

By |2021-08-31T08:20:43+00:00August 31st, 2021|Categories: Foreign Policy & Defence, Global, Video|Tags: , , , , , |

In this new video, two geopolitical experts - Anatol Lieven and Raffaello Pantucci - discuss the real consequences of current events in Afghanistan. They conclude that some of the feared consequences may be exaggerated, while other consequences have not yet been properly considered: SPEAKERS: Anatol Lieven is senior research fellow [...]

12 08, 2021

A League-Union of the Isles of Britain

By |2021-08-12T15:37:22+00:00August 12th, 2021|Categories: Devolution, Federalism, UK Constitution, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , |

by Glyndwr Cennydd Jones   Glyndwr Cennydd Jones is an advocate for greater cross-party consensus in Wales and for a UK-wide constitutional convention. A catalogue of his articles and essays can be found here.   This constitutional model presents the opportunity to empower the peoples and countries of these isles within an [...]

12 08, 2021

Making Public Value Management a guiding idea will be difficult within the UK’s dysfunctional hybrid governance system

By |2021-08-12T14:59:07+00:00August 12th, 2021|Categories: Devolution, Federalism, Scotland, UK, UK Constitution, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This article was first published by the LSE British Politics and Policy Blog In a recent blog, Arno van der Zwet and John Connolly make a persuasive case for ‘doing government better’ by embracing ‘public value management’ (PVM). Of course, PVM is not exactly new. I wrote about ‘public value’ as [...]

28 07, 2021

Video: Brexit – The Northern Ireland Protocol and a Sick Government

By |2021-07-28T16:41:55+00:00July 28th, 2021|Categories: Brexit, Europe, UK Constitution, Video|Tags: , , , , , |

In this video, Professor Richard Rose of the University of Strathclyde argues that the British government's attitude towards the Northern Ireland Protocol is a profoundly unhealthy one. It stems from the misplaced beliefs that the UK can dictate the terms of its external relations, that the UK's partners have no [...]

23 07, 2021

Video: “Freedom Day, Cummings and Brexit – That Was the Week That Was”

By |2021-07-23T12:33:12+00:00July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Brexit, Coronavirus, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The week beginning 19th July was an eventful one in British politics. Our Director Brendan Donnelly discusses Freedom Day, Dominic Cummings and the Northern Ireland Protocol. He concludes that Boris Johnson’s position is shakier than it seems. So is the future of the UK under Johnson’s Premiership:   Watch previous [...]

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