3 03, 2023

The EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation: A new risk for British business?

By |2023-03-03T15:07:47+00:00March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Trade, Trade & Financial services, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , |

New EU extra-territorial level playing field rules may adversely impact UK investment in the bloc The European Union (EU) has introduced major new legislation which could have broad implications for extra-territorial jurisdiction over businesses based in any non-EU country including the UK. The Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR), which will apply [...]

28 02, 2023

Brexit and Northern Ireland: Who Got What They Wanted?

By |2023-02-28T16:04:08+00:00February 28th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In this new video, our Chair John Stevens and  Director Brendan Donnelly discuss the new "Windsor Framework" for the Northern Ireland Protocol. They conclude that the agreement gives both sides most of what they sought to achieve. They do not believe that a similar agreement would have been possible with [...]

27 02, 2023

VIDEO: Brexit – Bad for the UK, bad for Ireland

By |2023-02-27T10:33:10+00:00February 27th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Devolution, Europe, UK Constitution, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, the Trust’s Director Brendan Donnelly argues that the current negotiations about the Northern Ireland Protocol reflect many of Brexit’s underlying flaws. The problems Brexit would cause for Ireland were foreseeable and foreseen. The Protocol attempts to wrestle with some of these problems. There is however [...]

17 02, 2023

Brexit and a Broken Britain

By |2023-02-17T16:07:56+00:00February 17th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Scotland, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In this video, our Chairman John Stevens and Director Brendan Donnelly discuss the recent secret meeting of Labour and Conservative politicians with a view to "making Brexit work". They conclude the Conservative representatives were driven to this meeting by their private realisation of Brexit’s failings; while the Labour Party is [...]

17 02, 2023

The Departure of Nicola Sturgeon

By |2023-02-20T13:16:51+00:00February 17th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Brexit, Devolution, Europe, Scotland, UK Constitution, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , , |

There is a mystery for me in contemplating the political career of Nicola Surgeon. I first faced this during the 2015 General Election, which I spent largely in Scotland, campaigning for Unionist friends. I was hoping to see the “No” campaign victory in the 2014 referendum (in which I was [...]

7 02, 2023

VIDEO: It Will Take Time to Reverse Brexit

By |2023-02-07T16:07:07+00:00February 7th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, Professor Chris Grey argues that relations between the EU and UK would improve significantly under a British government which adopted a less confrontational tone towards the EU. Neither the EU nor the UK would be well served however by a premature reversal of Brexit. Both [...]

7 02, 2023

New EU Machinery Regulation Poses Challenges and Benefits for UK Machinery Exporters to the Single Market

By |2023-02-07T14:45:22+00:00February 7th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Trade & Financial services, Views from the Federal Trust|Tags: , , , , , , |

By Andrew Hood and Peter Sellar, Fieldfisher LLP and Bob Savic, Federal Trust Divergence risks grow in post-Brexit EU and UK machinery standards The European Union’s new Machinery Regulation, approved by the EU Council of Ministers and the European Parliament in late January 2023, extensively revises the 2006 Machinery Directive.  [...]

26 01, 2023

VIDEO: Brexit: When Ethics and Truth Died

By |2023-01-26T15:31:01+00:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, our Director Brendan Donnelly argues that Brexit has been instrumental in lowering standards in British public life. Carelessness with the truth was a hallmark of the Leave campaign in 2016; and carelessness with the truth has been necessary since then in order to pretend that [...]

18 01, 2023

VIDEO: Brexit – A Dream That Is Dying

By |2023-01-18T15:51:56+00:00January 18th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, Professor A.C.Grayling discusses the path by which he believes Brexit can and should be reversed. For Brexit to be durably reversed, changes will however be necessary to the British electoral system. Before accepting British reentry into the EU, our European neighbours will want reassurance that [...]

12 01, 2023

VIDEO: Brexit is Crippling the City of London

By |2023-01-12T15:32:54+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In this video, our Council member, financial expert Graham Bishop, reviews the prospects for the City of London after Brexit. He argues that the British government's "Edinburgh reforms", designed to help the City, are little more than pro-Brexit propaganda. They will usually make little difference and in some cases risk [...]

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