18 01, 2023

VIDEO: Brexit – A Dream That Is Dying

By |2023-01-18T15:51:56+00:00January 18th, 2023|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, Professor A.C.Grayling discusses the path by which he believes Brexit can and should be reversed. For Brexit to be durably reversed, changes will however be necessary to the British electoral system. Before accepting British reentry into the EU, our European neighbours will want reassurance that [...]

21 12, 2022

VIDEO: The Latest Bit of Brexit Nonsense

By |2022-12-21T16:15:04+00:00December 21st, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In this new Federal Trust video, Brendan Donnelly argues that the so-called "Brexit Freedom Bill" is both pointless and dangerous. It seeks to repeal thousands of British laws simply because they have a European origin; and it opens the door to the abolition of rights and standards previously guaranteed by [...]

13 12, 2022

VIDEO: Has Ukraine Made Europe More United?

By |2022-12-13T14:36:57+00:00December 13th, 2022|Categories: Brexit, EU Policies & Institutions, Global, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this video, the Federal Trust's Chairman John Stevens and and its Director Brendan Donnelly discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on the European Union. They argue that the war has tended to make Europe more integrated, but it has also exposed flaws in the Union's decision-making process [...]

6 12, 2022

VIDEO: Will Brexit and Farage Destroy the Conservative Party?

By |2022-12-06T14:14:58+00:00December 6th, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

In a new video discussion with our Director Brendan Donnelly, our Chairman John Stevens points to Brexit and other divisions already tearing the Conservative Party apart. He argues that the Reform Party will be able to exploit these divisions, particularly if Nigel Farage becomes its leader. If, moreover, the Reform [...]

22 11, 2022

VIDEO: Hunting for Brexit Benefits

By |2022-11-22T14:19:35+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

In this video, our Director Brendan Donnelly argues that Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt realise Brexit is in trouble. The suggestion that the UK might enjoy a "Swiss-style" relationship with the EU is however unrealistic. Neither the EU nor the Brexiteer's European Research Group (ERG) would ever permit it. The [...]

11 11, 2022

VIDEO: What Do the US Midterms Mean for Brexit?

By |2022-11-11T14:44:26+00:00November 11th, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Global, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, our Chairman John Stevens and Director Brendan Donnelly discuss the impact of American politics on Brexit, both historically and in the future. The present Democratic administration is well-disposed to the EU and unenthusiastic about Brexit. But no future Republican administration is likely to support the [...]

5 11, 2022

Stalemate in Northern Ireland

By |2022-11-05T07:42:00+00:00November 5th, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Devolution, Europe, UK Constitution, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

In this video, the former head of the European Commission office in Belfast, Geoff Martin, discusses recent developments in Northern Ireland with our Chairman John Stevens. Geoff Martin predicts that new elections for Stormont will make very little difference to the political stalemate in Northern Ireland, for which he principally [...]

31 10, 2022

VIDEO: Will the City Lose Its Euro Clearing Business?

By |2022-10-31T14:31:54+00:00October 31st, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Trade, Trade & Financial services, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video, the financial analyst Graham Bishop and the Chairman of the Trust, John Stevens, discuss the likelihood and the significance of the City of London losing its approximately €100 trillion Euro derivatives clearing business to the Eurozone by 2025. Among other implications, the loss of its [...]

26 10, 2022

VIDEO: Sunak Going Nowhere?

By |2022-10-26T12:01:26+00:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Trade, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

In this video, the Trust's Director Brendan Donnelly argues that Liz Truss has done the country a service by exposing the unreality of the philosophy underlying Brexit. Sunak may still believe that he can make Brexit work. But he will have little time to pursue his Brexit-related dreams, given that [...]

17 10, 2022

VIDEO: The End of Singapore-on-Thames

By |2022-10-22T14:36:36+00:00October 17th, 2022|Categories: Brexit, Europe, Global, Trade, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In this Federal Trust video our Chairman John Stevens and Brendan Donnelly discuss the implications for Brexit of the past turbulent ten days in British politics. They conclude that the failure of the "mini-budget" marks the end of "Singapore on Thames" as a model for Brexit. It is however unclear [...]

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