The economic and social impact of Brexit
13th February 2019

EU27 citizens in the UK still face an uncertain future if Britain leaves the EU and British citizens still face being stripped of their EU citizenship. Meanwhile many of the anticipated social and economic consequences of Brexit are already with us, even before Britain leaves the European Union.
The social and economic landscape of Europe in 2019
2.45 – 3.00pm
Professor Dimitris Ballas, University of Groningen
PANEL 1 – The economic impact of Brexit
Is there a Brexit brain drain?
Where are the skills gaps of the future and how will they be filled?
Will ending free movement lead to increases in real wages and productivity?
Chair: Brendan Donnelly, Director,The Federal Trust
Dr Heather Rolfe, Associate research director, National Institute for Economic and Social Research
Sue Ferns, Deputy Secretary General, PROSPECT
Tim Thomas, Director of Employment and Skills, EEF
Lennard van Otterloo, Brexit columnist in Dutch entrepreneur magazine De Ondernemer
PANEL 2 – The social impact of Brexit
Who is leaving the UK, why are they leaving and what challenges do they face?
What has freedom of movement ever done to help the British?
How will the health and social care sector be impacted by Brexit?
Chair: Jackie Minor,Former Head, UK Representation of the European Commission
Professor Louise Ryan, Co-director, Migration Research Group, University of Sheffield
Dr Majella Kilkey, Reader on Social Policy, University of Sheffield
Dr Michaela Benson, Reader in Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London
Joan Pons Laplana, Clinical Fellow, NHS Digital
You can watch the whole conference on our recorded livestream: