In this video, Hugh Lawson-Tancred discusses the challenges posed by the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He concludes that, while the risks and dangers of AI are often exaggerated, international cooperation, particularly regional cooperation will be necessary to ensure that the maximum benefits of AI are obtained and equitably distributed. Before Brexit, the UK was the recognised leading force in European AI. The UK’s re-entry into Horizon will mitigate, but cannot fully reverse, the undermining of this leadership caused by Brexit.

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Dr Hugh Lawson-Tancred is an Associate Research Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and the CEO of Protext Translations which has specialised in the use of machine translation systems for the translation of complex legal submissions and pleadings. He is a Senior Research Fellow of the Federal Trust.

Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former MEP.