Getting Europe Moving Together

16th October 2012

A joint conference by the Federal Trust, Global Policy Institute and Industry Forum

Themes discussed throughout the day:

Peter Sutherland KCMG, ex-Commissioner

Lord Dykes, Lib Dem European spokesman for the House of Lords
Emma Reynolds MP, Shadow Minister for Europe

Keynote Speech:
Lord Liddle, Labour spokesperson in the House of Lords

Competing on the world stage:
Steps needed to complete the single market – Christian Krappitz, European Commission Representation UK
Increasing competitiveness – Vicky Pryce, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
Fostering innovation – Kitty Ussher, The Smith Institute, former Treasury Minister

Key drivers for European success:
Increasing trade – Peter Bishop, Deputy Chief Executive, London Chamber of Commerce & Industry
An industrial policy for jobs –Tim Page, Senior Policy Officer in the TUC Economic and Social Affairs Department
Providing the right environment for SMEs – David Caro, Chairman European Small Business Alliance

The financial framework:
Fiscal & macroeconomic coordination – Andrew Sentance, Senior Economic Adviser, PwC
World leading financial services – John Stevens former MEP

Summary – Rod Dowler
Concluding remarks – Brendan Donnelly

Conference Videos:













For further information about this conference please email [email protected] or ring 020 7320 3045.

European Commission




This conference was co-funded by the European Commission Representation in the UK.