In 2011 – 12 the Federal Trust, in conjunction with the Global Policy Institute and with co-funding from the European Commission Representation in the UK, organised a further series of conferences this time entitled The Coalition and Europe – After the Honeymoon.

The conferences aimed to review the Coalition Government’s European policy in its second year, examining in particular the growing strains on compromises which had initially underpinned its actions within the European Union.


This final report summarises the conclusions of each of the four preceding conferences (for details of which please see below). It notes that three major themes are emerging: a considerable continuity of policy, in many areas a positive and constructive contribution to the EU, both of which are balanced by a growing unease in British public and political opinion with regard to the Union’s underlying principles and central institutions.


There May be Trouble Ahead

23 May 2012


Christine Dalby, Deputy Head of Representation, European Commission in the United Kingdom

Peter Sutherland KCMG, former European Commission and Director General of the WTO

Brendan Donnelly, Director, the Federal Trust


The UK and the European Area of Justice, Freedom and Security

24 January 2012



Dr Andrew Blick , Senior Researcher at the Federal Trust and author of Neither In Nor Out: Coalition Policy in the EU Area of Freedom Security and Justice

Jakub Boratynski, Head of Unit, Fight against Organised Crime, DG Home Affairs, European Commission

Professor Steve Peers, School of Law, Essex University




The UK and the euro

12 December 2011



Benjamin Angel, Head of Unit, economic analysis of financial institutions and financial stability

Graham Bishop, founder of

John Stevens, former MEP

Sir Brian Unwin, former President of the European Investment Bank





The UK and EU Employment & Social Policy

9 November 2011

Conference_Report_9_November 2011.pdf


Brendan Donnelly, Director the Federal Trust, on behalf of the European Commission

Lord Inglewood, former MEP, member of the House of Lords Social Policies and Consumer Protection sub-committee

Dr Henning Meyer, London School of Economics, editor of Social Europe Journal



The UK and the European Budget

13 October 2011



Professor Iain Begg, London School of Economics, Federal Trust Council

Vasco Cal, Economic Adviser in the Bureau of European Policy Advisers, The European Commission

Lord Harrison, Chairman, the House of Lords Sub-Committee A – Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade