The Federal Trust has produced a series of pamplets using federalism as an analytical framework to discuss the developing constitutional structure of the UK and in particular on the impact of devolution – the establishment of quasi-autonomous levels of governance outside the confines of Whitehall and Westminster – as introduced by the Labour governments of 1997-2010.

Papers and Reports

The Two Unions: Brexit and the Territorial State
by Dr Andrew Blick, February 2019

Federalism: The UK’s Future?
by Dr Andrew Blick, April 2016

Fiscal Federalism in the UK
by Dr Michael Lloyd, December 2015

The United Kingdom: Federalism or bust?
A collection of essays from the Federal Trust
June 2015

Review in the Irish Times, by Paul Gillespie

England, Devolution and sub-regional policy: a federal approach?
by David M. Smith, 18 February 2015

Federalism: What the United Kingdom Can Learn from Canada
by Zach Paikin, 11 February 2015

Northern Government: Devolution to the North of England
by Campaign for the North, 2014

Devolution in England – A New Approach

by Dr Andrew Blick
June 2014

Variety has always been a feature of the United Kingdom constitution. This variety has allowed Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to develop along their own paths towards decentralised self-government. However, England, the largest nation within the UK, has been left behind. Signs exist that English opinion is now turning against existing arrangements and the discrepancies involved. With these trends in mind, this paper makes the case for an English Devolution Enabling Act. It proposes a way forward that would allow localities and regions within England to take on powers previously exercised by central government, helping to close the democratic gap that has opened up with the remainder of the UK. The appendix provides a more specific idea of how the proposed English Devolution Enabling Act could work.

A Federal Future for the UK: the Options
by Dr Andrew Blick and Professor George Jones
July 2010

This report considers the options for further structural reform to the UK under the Coalition Government. In particular it considers the position of England which – apart from Greater London – has been left behind by New Labour’s devolution programme. Are ‘City Regions’ a viable alternative to nine English regions, or should England form a single entity in a federal state? And how would exisiting local government fit into such a state?

Devolution and Regional administration: A federal UK in embryo?
by Dr Andrew Blick
November 2009

This report describes the arrangements for devolved governance and regional administration established in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, London and the English regions since Labour took office in 1997 discussing how far these developments can be seen as signifying progress towards a federal settlement for the UK as a whole.

Response to the Consultation by the Commission on Scottish Devolution (Calman Commission): The Future of Scottish Devolution within the Union, April 2009

A Federal Scotland Within a Federal UK
by Dr Andrew Blick
February 2009

The Labour government and devolution in 2004: an end of year (or end of second term) report
By Stanley Henig
February 2005

White Paper or White Rabbit? Elected Regional Assemblies and Local Government Reorganisation
by Stanley Henig, Senior Research Fellow
January 2004

The Second Elections in Northern Ireland: Issues and Verdicts
by Stanley Henig, Senior Research Fellow
December 2003

Encouraging Democracy and Stakeholder Participation in the English Regions
A Federal Trust Report on UK Devolution
July 2003

The Second Elections in Scotland and Wales: Issues and Verdicts
by Stanley Henig, Senior Research Fellow
May 2003

Our Region, Our Choice. An Analysis of Government Policy for the English Regions
by Stanley Henig, Senior Research Fellow
December 2002