The Federal Trust is currently undertaking  a project on “Britain and Europe: Difficult Questions after the Referendum”, which is co-funded by the European Commission Representation in the UK.

survey-imageAs part of this project, we are conducting a survey on attitudes on the preferred relations of Britain and the EU.

Please find below 13 questions asking your views on the process of withdrawing from the European Union and Britain’s future relationship  with the EU.

Please score each question on the scale:
1= emphatically, yes
2=on balance, yes
3= not sure
4= on balance, no
5= emphatically, no

Make your selection then click the Next » link

Britain and the EU: Your views

Topic 1 – The outcome of the Referendum:

In your view, is the Brexit vote irrevocable?

Topic 1 – The outcome of the Referendum:

Does the Government need to heed the regional votes, e.g. Scotland?

Topic 1 – The outcome of the Referendum:

Is the relationship with the EU27 broken forever?

Topic 2 – Parliament and Article 50:

Should Parliament approve triggering Article 50?

Topic 3 – The extent of withdrawal:
Should the UK aim to stay within the Single Market?

Topic 3 – The extent of withdrawal:
Should the UK aim to stay within the Customs Union?

Topic 4 – Democratic approval of Brexit terms:
Should the Brexit leaving terms be adopted by the Government without prior parliamentary approval?

Topic 4 – Democratic approval of Brexit terms:
Should the Brexit leaving terms be adopted  by the Government without holding a referendum ?

Topic 5 – UK concerns:
Will uncertainty lead to migration of EU citizens away from the UK?

Topic 5 – UK concerns:
Will uncertainty lead to a loss of inward investment?

Topic 5 – UK concerns:
Is the financial services industry likely to suffer?

Topic 6 – Wider security and international issues:
Do you fear that Brexit could destabilise Europe and incur risks to UK and EU security?

Topic 6 – Wider security and international issues:
Do you fear that Brexit could lead to a loss of UK international influence?

Any other comments.

(Please type ‘none’ if no comment in order to activate the “next” link and complete the survey.)

You have finished the survey. Please enter your email address to submit your selections. We will send you the survey results once we have drawn up our final report. We will not use your email address for any other purpose.

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